Welcome To The First Day of Your New Life

Here goes nothing... Hello World, it's me:)

Tuesday 5 June 2012


     I have a rant. It may be an odd rant, but it is my rant. I am actually quite interested in whether or not anyone else feels the same way I do.
     I have throughout my life had several TV shows that I have loved, what I mean by loved is, have watched religiously. And with each show I have found, and understandably so, the writers are eventually forced to make a huge change, perhaps switch characters, change a plot line ect. I am talking about the times when they decide the audience needs a mix up, when a main character becomes pregnant, or the sexual tension that has been building for five seasons finally comes to a close with a kiss and a stable relationship.

      What I am wondering is don't the producers and writers and directors know that I HATE that. Well, let me tell you, they should! Yes, it is all I've been wanting.  However, once it happens I feel lost, and quickly get bored and peeter out of interest and stop watching it.

     Exhibit A: Star Gate: SG1

  • Daniel Jackson died

     Exhibit B: Ghost Whisperer

  • Jim died, but that kept the plot interesting as his soul tried to get back to her, but then at the end of the season you realizie she's pregnant.
  • Melinda had a baby. Now that really ruined it. Half the time the kid was in the way, the other half you were left wondering what she did with him when all the other characters were out and about and no one was watching him

  Exhibit C: Friends

  • Ross and Rachel broke up
  • The only good change: Chandler and Monica

     Exhibit D: LOST

  • The switching of the romances
  • Charlie dying


Exhibit E: Castle

  • Yet to find out, but Castle and Beckett finally getting together.

     Exhibit D: Chuck 

  • Chuck and Sarah got together
  • Morgan found out
  • Casey found a daughter and lover

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