To start off with, Cory and Topanga are too cute for words.
I have watched every single episode! Actually I have watched every single episode more than once! (It is a wonderful procrastination technique.) And the more I think about this show hat it has taught me some things about life. Yes, it has also given me unrealistic expectations about life, and about how my high school experience should have been. But at the same time some of it was real for me. Some of the show, some of the characters experiences and the lessons learned meant something to me. I think that that is what makes a show truly great. For example, nearly all of my high school friends followed me to college. The only difference is we all still live at home, not in dorms, because the university is in the same town and let's face it, it's cheaper. Yet another similarity is I, like Topanga, am waiting for marriage to have sex. That is what I have chosen for myself, that is what I am comfortable with. However, unlike Topanga and Cory I don't have someone, like they have each other. I don't have that person and I haven't found them yet. The kind of love story they share will never be a reality for me, unless I run into some old kindergarten friend. Which would be weird. Why would it be weird? Well, we would probably not even know or recognize each other anyways, since I moved right after kindergarten. This could only result in loosing touch with all those people, who I no longer remember. So either way it would never be the same situation, but I do hope it would and could be the same feeling. Now, back to reality, the point is; I love this show and it taught me some important things and now I'm going to share them with you, internet world.
1) I learned your parents love you.
- Not only do they love you but...
- They will do anything for you.
- They will listen
- They will worry
- They will be afraid and angry, but none of that outweighs their love and dedication to helping you.
- Even if it means not helping your newly wed children, or stopping them from marrying too soon. Or kicking Eric out to find a job, and reach his full potential.
3)I learned the importance of trying your hardest
- This is significant to apply in every aspect of life, not just in school.
- When I think about this lesson, the episode that stands out the most is Cory's dad feeling sad because he was a grocer, but learned being a father and husband and what those he loves thinks of him and his happiness is most important
- Cory also struggles with this issue a lot, but with the help of his friends he is able to reach his potential and recognize that there are all sorts of talent and important things that may not be recognized by the world, but are recognized by those who are important.
- Sometimes this means being there when they don't think they want or need you, but part of being a friend is being there.
- Sometimes being a friend is doing what's best for them, even if it's hard for you. Like letting Shawn move
- Sometimes being a friend is telling your friend something they don't want to hear, but need to hear. This is like Cory saving Shawn from the Cult.
- I mean look at how happy Cory and Topanga were
7) I learned that although new things are scary, it is worth the risk
- In reference to my thoughts are drawn to the last few episodes, when Topanga is looking at law school, and everyone's future is up in the air. Things are changing, but Cory learns -- it's just about meeting the world and taking what it gives you.
9) I learned that it is important to know that looks aren't everything.
- Remember that episode where Topanga cut her hair to show cory it's not all about looks, when he is feeling ugly and uncool. Then much to her horror she realizes she was a little more vain than she realized.
- That episode showed that loooking your best is important, and the outside does count, just not as much as the inside.
- The outside just shouldn't be all.
- Thank-you Shawn!
1) You will never have to study hard in university, or study at all.
2) People in your life will always be constant
All in all I adore this show! I wish it never ended! And I'm thankful it showed me I too am a hypochondiac, just like Cory!
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