Welcome To The First Day of Your New Life

Here goes nothing... Hello World, it's me:)

Monday, 27 February 2012


     He's Just Not That Into You.
It's a movie and it is also a song. Plus it's every, single girls life at one point, or another.
     First off, I love this movie and I adore this song! Within them there are words of wisdom. It sounds corny I know, but it is true.  They are words that everyone should hear.  I want to pass these words on to my children and to my cousins and to my friends. It should in somways be able to protect people.
     These words are not my own and can be taken however you like.. in the words of Ellen Degeneresse: You don't need men, trust me
     I was housesitting last month and I had an ephiphany of sorts. I saw my future, in a sense. I was sitting on the floor in the living room watching Jersey Shore (since it was the only thing on) on the smallest tv imaginable, in a gorgeous - perfect for two people house, that smells like old person, well, because that's who usually live there. with a hot tub out back, and a heated bathroom floor, attempting to study, and not listen to my stomache growl because i can't cook, and have no idea what to eat and don't have anyone around anyways to cook for me. so i get out some crackers, and tzatki and eat that, and then chow down on like 4 poptarts and a litre of pop. good meal,. but what else is there? i justf finsihed off the two pizzas in the fridge - it took me two weeks, but i did it. and never again will i ever eat pizza (fr like a week) who knew you'd get tired of pizza - I mean it is so incredibly delishous (I am totally serious - no sarcasm, actually, really)But I saw myself. in ten years, alone. in a hosue, starving, studying, watching bad tv, sounds sad, huh? WRONG! It's good. There I will be alone, carefree, and independent! i don't have to shave my legs, I'll have money to do as I want. I ca learn to cook without judgment. It will be differnt than the future I have planned for myslef. but it canm still be good. very good.

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