Welcome To The First Day of Your New Life

Here goes nothing... Hello World, it's me:)

Sunday 15 July 2012


July 1, 2012

     Happy Canada Day All!

1. Monday

      Today was my first day of classes! It is really hard to stay awake when you feel so jetlaged and starving. I am super exicted for my classes though! That may sound nerdy, but it's true! I get to take a British History class, and a British Literature class.  We also have a London Walks class!

     It was mighty hard to stay awake in class, but I did awesome on the quiz and hae been so thoroughly impressed with my fellow students. some of them are so articulate and well-spoken. I don't think I will ever participate in class! They just have so many wonderful ideas and seem to have a better grasp on just about everything. I guess maybe the American school system is greatly superior or they are all just geniuses... It is just mind boggling!

    So here is how a typical class day works, breakfast 8:00-8:30, class at 9:00-10:15 then a half hour break, and Literature from 10:45-12:00. 

(classroom ceiling)

   On this particular Monday though we had only an hour break and then we had a meeting with Thais (Tie - e - sss) and Alvaro, they are the people who run the centre. Thais is the chef and Alvaro does everything else. They are the cutest Portugese couple ever! So during that hour break me and a few people went exploring the few blocks around our house for a Indian Take-Away Restaurant. It was only my second time ver trying Indian food and I LOVE IT! I got butter chicken and it was the most delicious thing ever! Plus it was an excellent opportunity to keeping getting to know people's names and who they are!

(Indian take-away crew - Chelsea, Lauren, Ali, Megan, Kim and Me)

     Alvaro and Thias had a lot of things to say about the house, and its up keep.  So now I feel a bit more prepared to live with all these people. Although they gave no advice on how to shower in public showers when the shower doors are completely see-through. I don't think anyone thought that through!

(see through bathroom stalls - you can't tell from here.. but trust me!)

     Then we were off again, me and Valerie (my bunkmate) went on a walk to look for the text books we hadn't bought yet including the boring history book called ; The Story of England by Michael Wood and then Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro (this one looks a little better).  We walked all around and found this darling little second-hand book store on Portebello Road (like Bedknobs and Broomsticks). Then we headed into Hyde Park where we found the Peter Pan statue and got terribly lost until 4:30 when I had to be back for dinner crew.  We got so lost that some how we crossed a road without realizing it! I mean, Hyde Park is no Centeral Park but it is still quite large. There are two lakes in it! I find it really interesting what parks are like here, they are more of gardens and they are completely gorgeous!

(Me and Valerie at the Peter Pan statue - where we ran into another student -Janie and she took our picture)

    Dinner was Kerma (sp) which is like a sweet curry! Then it was time for another novel experience which I adored! We went to listen to the London Symphony Orchestra. It was played right in St Pauls Cathedral! It is so majestic! The symphony was so beautiful! It was 90 minutes straight so I was rather pleased with myself for staying awake the entire time!  But it just left me feeling wonderful! It had a choir and all the instruments! I love when I watch all the string instruments and their bows are moving in unison together! It just looks so nifty! The choir was phenomenal! There was this tenor who had a solo and his projection was so impressive. They sang in latin and you could follow along in the program, I found that rather enjoyable. Perhaps I will try to learn Latin someday, it is a pretty language.

(St Paul's)

     One thing that I really want to know about Cathedrals and churches in general is the buriment of famous and rich It was beautiful but long.


     2.) Tuesday:

     Tuesday was insanity! We got so much stuff done! It was so fun! We woke up for breakfast at eight then cleaned up and headed out.

     There is a section of Kennsington Gardens called Princess Diana Memorial Park. IT is a playground only for little children, but is open for free to adults only between 9:30 and 10:00. So, a few of us headed out to explore. It was so much fun. It was mostly based on James Barrie's novel, "Peter Pan" so there was a pirate ship, crocodile, treasure chest, 'Indian' camp, and tree house! We had loads of fun taking pictures until the children came and we had to leave.

(Me and Chelsea at the Pirate Ship in Princess Diana Memorial Park)
     Me and Suzette, Chelsea, Valerie and Lauren went to the biggest, hugest department store in the entire world maybe, it is called Harods!  It is huge and we saw diamond encrusted plates and ate at a Godiva Chocolate restaurant. There were the most intense things there! Things that I would never be able to afford in a million years, but perhaps I will register there when I marry Prince Harry or something.. Also, the toy store! They had giant teddy bears for 1500 pounds! I kind of want one! You can get them dressed up like all sorts of things like bobbies and in kilts! It was amazing!

(At Godiva Restaurant in Harrod's eating a milkshake and fondue! Yum! Suzette, Chelsea, Lauren, Me and Valerie)

    Then we took the tube to see Big Ben, Westminister Abby, Trafalger Square, Parliament and Buckingham Palace.  It was amazing. I had heard the Great Britian is more known for things that are old than things that are grand in size.  But I felt completely dwarfed by the majesty of these buildings! They are beautiful and ornate! Actually Buckinham Palace is the least ornate.  It was super fun to see the soldiers. I don't understand how they do everything in unison! We had loads of fun taking pictures and just walking and walking. We also strolled along the Thames and saw the swans. I love swans! I wonder how many are princesses... Just a thought.

(Me and Big Ben!)

     While we were relaxing, eating Galaxy Bars (best chocolate ever) in the park I heard a band and so I ran over to see. There is across the street a Guard Museum and chapel and the Guard band was playing. They looked all sharp in their red uniforms. Ok, they looked smoking amazing! And they were all playing and singing. We just caught the end of their performance, but it was so sweet. The lead singer said it was someone's anniversary and they had to stand up and they sang "The Way You Look Tonight" It was so touching. I may or may not have cried...

(View from the bench at St. James Park. Man, the British know how to do parks right.)

    Then we ran back for dinner and had a werid half an avacado covered in shrimp in this sauce, that is kind of like fry sauce. It sounds gross, but it was good. I really enjoyed it!

     Then we had a lecture on Henry V and after walking for like five hours (as seen in two paragraphs above) we went and stood in the standing area at the Globe for three-ish hours to watch Henry V performed.  It was a phenomenal show. The man playing Henry V was quite charmingly cute! I think, however that I was too tired to trully appreciate it.  Nearly all I could focus on was how much my feet hurt and my legs are sore from the huge amount of stairs in our house.

(poster for Henry V with Jamie Parker at the Globe)

      3.)     Wednesday:

     Wednesday was also crazy busy.

      We woke up early like around 6 and headed off to see Dover Castle and the Cliffs of Dover. It was really cool because this is one of the first places that was invaded most times Great Britain was invaded. Henry VIII lived there for a while. I loved it. Castles are cool.  Did you know they made the stairs different lengths and heights to make running up it without tripping impossible as a defence thing? Well, they did.  But man, are castles cold and the fog didn't . it was all drafty and there was fog all over. We climbed up to the top and they had a few exhibits. There was information on how people lived and all about all the kings who had occupied the castle. I think one of the most facinating things for me for some reason was that the walls were made of chalk.  Apparently this castle has been used as a miliatry base until quite recently and it wasn't until about ten years ago or so that they realized that there were tunnels.  By secret I mean civilians never knew there were tunnels under the cliffs and castle.  It was a fortress. Like when bombs were being dropped during WWII the worst was it would maybe turn out the power.  Actually these tunnels were used alot durning WWII. There were hospital tunnels and living quarters where all the branches of the army worked and lived together.  Although apparently they had to have tea in shifts to avoid shared information between units and branches.  I think it would have driven me crazy to live in a place like that, all under ground and freezing.  Also interesting fact is the only other time the tunnels were used as a hospital after the war was a year or about nine months after for all the excess of babies being born, although most women allowed in were either military or married to - wouldn't want to give up the location.  I found it funny that the tour guide kept telling us about "nineteen furtee:"haha his accent was funny!

(top of Dover Tower)

     And then we headed to the Cliffs which were beyond beautiful and all chalk. The Brits do things differnt though-no railings to keep you safe so it was kind of scary!

(cliffs and ocean and fog -- so beautiful!)

    Then we headed to Canterbury Cathedral.  It was beautiful. That is the place where Thomas Beckett was murdered.  And we even saw the arch-bishop teaching some new priests how to pass sacrament! (odd thing: some were women)

(Me and Valerie at Canterbury Cathedral)

     We got home around seven and I don't even remember what I did - study I think...

     4)     Thursday:

     We had class and got lost in Leichester Square (pronounced Lester) where we were going to try to buy tickets for Les Mis.. but I had to get back for dish duty so that was over pretty fast.. So then I just headed on home and stayed in and read 12th night with a whole group of people since we needed that read by Monday.

(Singing in the Rain Theatre at Leichester Square -- I want to see this so badly)

     5)    Friday:

      We went to the Tower of London. It was so huge! There was so much to see. We saw the Ravens. The ravens are everywhere. Apparently there was a prophesy that if the ravens ever left the Tower would fall. so they have a house and a keeper and are everywhere and totally unafraid of people!

 (Tower of London Tower)
    We were supposed to have lunch on our own, but got held up at the Tower and all the sights and plus we ran into Celester who had the stomache flu (it's going around, kind of makes me uneasy), so we helped her out and then met at this cool sundial where we started a London Walk.  We are required to complete 7 London Walks that are certain places we need to walk and see and just experience and then write about. This walk was called Londinium. It is the oldest part of London. It was amazing! Not only did it have a whole bunch of old Roman walls (including in the basement of this museum an entire Roman Amplitheatre! They only just discovered this while renovating about eight years ago.  It is so amazing to imagine regularly finding something that old, ancient, just lying around. Here it just seems to happen nearly everyday!) There was a wonderful blend of old and new architecture including; The Shard! This is because of the London Fires that happened around that area. WE learned all about that in the London Museum we went to afterwards! There is just so much knowledge I can scarce take it all in!

(Tower Bridge with an Olympic flair)

     Then we had a lecutre on contemporary theatre and the play we are gong to see this upcoming week call "One Man Two Guvnors" from Tim Slover.  This was our last lecture from him! It is so sad! He is going home on Monday:(

    That evening I went to the eye.. I was really scared of the height but the sights were phenomenal.  Valerie and I got on at the exact right moment. We bought our tickets about about 8:30pm, then boarded about 9 (since it closes at 9:30).  But we did not board before watching the 4D movie that was free! It was hilarious! We got to follow a seagull over London and then there were people dancing bollywood, and a Chinese dragon and a proposal, a wedding reception and a birthday party all happening in the eye pods. haha It didn't happen when we rode it! I'm a little disappointed!  Once we reached the top, we could see the sunset! And then as we desended it was just so beautiful! All the buildings began to light up! London is truly the most beautiful city on earth! It nearly makes me cry!

(Me and Parliament in the London Eye)

    Then we just wandered around Trafalger Square and ended up at home around eleven.

(found David Beckam - we're in love! I KNEW I'd find a British Man)

      6.)     Saturday:

     We had another London Walk and went to the Tate Modern Art Museum via the London Bridge.  Before the bridge though we went to Bourough Market.  This is a wonderful farmers market that is actually like everyday!  I happened to have THE BEST GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH OF ALL TIME!!! I also sampled this nougat and carmel fudge. It was the best! And there was Cathedral next-door (huge surprise) but it had this interesting monument for a native man who came over with John Smith and died of small pox, but had to be burried around there because he was not permitted to be burried in London City Limits. It was also the original place where William Shakespeare was buried. 

 (Borough Market Sign)
    I can't say that the Tate Modern Museum was really my cup of tea.  I learned that no matter how much I try to open my mind I'm not sure I can appreciate completely modern art. Although I saw some Picaso. That was kind of neat. There was also this video exhibit which was really cool. It was interviews with survivors from the Crimean War and their surviving items. It was really touching, and neat because they weren't speaking english so it just had subtitles and then you still put headphones on to hear their voice, just made it a more intimate experience. It was super neat. 


     Then we headed off to St Paul's with the intention of climbing it.. but to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee they have placed random, beautifully painted pianos all over the city so we stopped to play around on one.. Well, me more to listen. And this old, most likely homeless, crazy and slightly drunk Irish man came up and talked to us for nearly two hours! We couldn't get away. He was sweet and knew all sorts of fun facts and said we could come stay with him if we needed to and gave us ten pounds for icecream because he had to get to the church and couldn't come with us. while he was hugging us.. gross! I slipped that back in his bag. He was  funny and spit alot when he talked. he also had no bottom teeth and wanted to know if my friend Nicala (pronounced like Mikayla but with an N) if she was spoken for because he'd be interested! haha. I was glad it was a heavy pedistraian traffic area. And proud that I was the one that hereded us all out of there.

(Sean Finnigan AKA Crazy Irish Man)

      Then we went to KingsCross Station and got our picture with the famous platform! I just love Harry Potter. Then we headed into the bookshop to look at the Harry Potter books, and I read the Gruffalo to everyone, because that is how cool we are.

(Christina, Nicala, Valerie, Me and Ashley heading off to Hogwarts)

    When we came home and I was going to do some more homework, but ended up going to see Mamma Mia. Which was so fun! Thre was a slight hiccup with Sarah loosing her credit card, but all was right in the end. Plus I tried falaffel for the first time! Yum! The entire audience was dancing and singing along! There was also a chick fight during intermission and these two ladies had to get escorted out and they never came back! I amnot sure how it started, but it seemed like it was from people dancing and yelling during the performance (Hen Party or Bachelorette Party) and then this man told them to shut up and they decided to pick on his wife.. Crazy!  It was a good distraction to how homesick I felt that morning. I just realized how long the trip was. Although I definetly cried a lot during Slipping Through My Fingers, more than usual, because they were having such a cute family moment. 

(Prince of Wales Theatre)

      The true purpose of the show was for Kim's birthday. Then after we decided to go to the  because some of the guys in the show were really hot Kim wanted to get their autograph and a picture so we went to the stage door to try to meet them. We must've missed them though. Although it was so funny because this really good looking guy came out and Emily asked if we could get a picture with him and he said "I wasn't in the show.. Im a lighting guy" so funny! and embarassing (for her).

(The gang - Megan, Me, Kim, Janie, Kaitlin, Sarah, Sarah, Emilee)

     Then today was Sunday. And I am fasting.  It has been good so far.  I even taught my first Sunday School Lesson. Iwas glad I decided to prepare one just in case!  It went well, a bit rocky at the start, but I got less nervous. It just feels like a lot of stress taching investigators! I don't want to over complicate things or tell them somthing wrong. But, they were good at contributing and super nice. Although I can't remember all of their names because they were Jamacian names and Nigerian names and so I had never heard them and found them harder to committ to memory.

      Now we have a fireside tonight about the blitz and yes I got home and put on my Canada shirt.. so we may go out and find something to do - there is another Canadian on the trip from Raymond! I am so glad someone else knows what BC is and where Kamloops is. She is a BYU student and super nice!

(From another day.. but Look! Canada is everywhere!)

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