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Here goes nothing... Hello World, it's me:)

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


     I love Gilmore Girls!

     It is my new favorite show and I am completely obessed.

     Acutally, I am easily obsessed.

     My easily obessive nature is probably unhealthy. As a matter of fact it is probably a reason I should never smoke or drink or anything. I have a highly impressionable mind and am certainly easily addicted. In short, I have an addictive personality. It seems that once I start things it is hard to stop.  Unfortunately this may mean starting a blog was a bad choice, but its too late for that...

     I love Gilmore Girls for a few reasons...

     Of course, there is the obvious.
  • They are hilarious.
     This show has never failed to make me laugh.  The writers were geniouses.  The witty, back-and-forth is highly amusing and makes me have to be active with google to understand all the subtle nuances and references.  All that banter makes me wish I could be that way.  Yes, I wish I could be witty. I feel like wit has an element of charm, the kind of charm that would be wonderful to have in my genetic make-up, but alas instead I'm left with an only-I-think-I'm-funny sort of charm.  Sadly, my sort of wit is not quite as amusing to the rest of the world as the Gilmore Girls are.  To sum it up this show contains all crucial elements of a hit. It makes you laugh and cry and totally involves you in the characters and of course, possesses that certain character that you can relate to completely.

     For me that character is Rory Gilmore.

  1.      I love how Rory is smart, which I may not fully be but it is something I aspire to. I wish I had her studious study habits instead of insisting on spending my time watching Gilmore Girls.
  2.      I love how she worries.  I can totally relate to that. I also am a worrier, a huge worrier. It is just plain adorable how she panics about doing the right thing, being good, and school. It is espeically adorable when she punishes herself.  I feel like that is me in a nutshell.  
  3.      I love her awkwardness. There is this part where she meets Dean (who will eventually be both her first and third boyfriend) and is unable to speak to him.  I can't talk to boys either, but, unlike Rory, I get quiet and not blab.
  4.      I love the mother-daughter relationship between Lorelei and Rory. I wish I had that, but at the same time I love what I have.  I love that I can talk to my mom and she listens. One of my favorite things is when we lay on her bed and she is trying to sleep, but instead she just listens to me. I love that she loves that.  Then yesterday she met mre for lunch, just me and her.  We spent an hour laughing so hard at how the dentist put her mouth to sleep and somehow her ear was numb too. I have a pretty good mom, if I do say so myself. I guess that means I can only improve from there someday..
  5.      love how they eat lots of junk and make it seem OK.  I love junk food, and although healthy eating is without a doubt a good, there is nothing wrong with a little junk now-and-then.  Actually, Gilmore Girls has helped me rediscover my love for poptarts.  Poptarts are even better than I remember. 
  6.      I love how they aren't afraid to present love as scary. I think love is scary, maybe the scariest thing out there. I can't wait, but at the same time I hope it takes a long, long time.
  Oh, the life lessons to learn from a TV show!

Just to be clear I love the Gilmore Girls!

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